Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"HELP! My Parents Need to Read Your Blog"

So we got a comment from a kid, maybe it's your kid or maybe you're that kid,it read something like, "I wish my parents would do some of what you say". Listen here both kids and parents...It takes two to tango (tango - a dance). Some of the parents reading this blog are going to get it and make changes and work on launching their child differently, others are not. Whether your parents get it or don't get it, launching is ultimately a child's job. Whether your parents are great or stink, it's your life...make it work for you. Many thousands of generations have gone through terrible parenting styles, harsh cultural conditions, and they survived. Kids can turn into adults despite bad parenting and sometimes, no amount of good parenting will turn a kid around. (I have talked to great parents with really problematic kids and vise versa) What you do, what you say, how you act and react are within your control and your responsible for. That's it. What other say, do, how they act react it tells you a lot about them, very little about you. Grow up, become your own person, with your own ideas...you don't need your parents permission to be responsible. They will probably even respect you for it. If not, and this does happen, do it anyway, because it's the best thing for you.

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