Monday, June 16, 2008

Dinosaur Parents Discover Summer Fun

Breath...seriously, take a deep breath...If you're parenting a teenager or young adult today you need to take a deep breath, maybe 2 or 3 every few minutes while they're around. It's a stressful time, and many of us parents feel like we're dinosaurs in awe of their technological advances.

My 8 year old understands and works my new digital camera, navigates my cell phone and loads programs into our family computer better than me. It's not just us parents who are stressed, listen to these alarming figures:

* The average teenager views 40,000 commercials a year, and companies are marketing to shape new consumers from infancy.

* 1/3 of American children suffer stress related symptoms.

* 1/2 of adolescents report trouble sleeping and

* 1/2 of college students are so overwhelmed they report difficulty functioning.

All this multitasking, overachieving, and fast paced lives may just be stressing us all out. Relax more with your kids, model a stress free life or at least healthy coping skills to manage stress. Get outside! Recent research tells us that open green spaces decrease stress levels. Make a list of fun summer outdoor activities and get you and your family out.

I love my cell phone, TV and computer as much as the next person, and I don't think they're the 'root of all evil', but I do think we need a balanced tech diet. Set a good example by turning off some of this technology and getting out and living a little this summer. Our family posted a list of fun summer things to do in one day. To add a dash of irony, I posted them on our family computer screen. Here are the top 3. #1 Rock Climbing at our local sporting store. #2 Miniature Golf. #3 Picnic at our favorite beach at sunset.

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