Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Don't Buy them 4 Cars

I teach life skills to about 35 men & women on Tuesdays at Goodwill Correctional Facilities who have been court ordered into this 6 month drug rehabilitation program. I learned something interesting today that I wanted to share while leading a counseling session for about 12 of them. The young people in this group who are between the ages of 18 & 30, started to talk about the different ways their parents affected them as they were growing up. What shocked me was that a whopping 5 out of 12 stated that they believe they were spoiled as kids. By spoiled they meant that they did not really have to work for what they got & that they were often given privileges they had not yet rightfully earned. One young man went on to say that his mother bought him a total of 4 different cars between the ages of 18 & 21, replacing each one after a crash or malfunction even if it was due to his lack of care without ever trying to hold him responsible. Something to think about, isn’t it?

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