Friday, May 2, 2008

Graduation - Just Around the Corner

In my private practice the soon-to-be college grads are showing up nervous as jitterbugs, and not that far behind them...their parents. Wow, this is an exciting and scary time. For some in 6 months the student loan payments are due, for others the scary thought of moving back home. What to do? Where to go? How to pay the bills? Oh, and I still have finals. Yikes! Parents are stressed about other matters. Should we help pay for graduate school? What about their living expenses? Are they ready to move in with their significant other? How much say should I have in their lives? More Yikes! Well over the next few weeks, Barbara and I are going to be asking some respected professionals for their advice and posting it for all to read. Keep checking back with us. And take a few deep breaths.

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