Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Are You Going to Finish Strong?

This question may be one we want to ask ourselves, as parents, adults, leaders...In a world where we constantly want our children to be better than us we may loose site that we first need to challenge ourselves. One of the biggest lessons I learned from my parents was to keep striving to be better than I harder...set higher goals. No one actually ever said this to me. Instead they showed me in their life. I recently got emailed a great video regarding this may want to visit this page too so here is the address. Are you going to finish strong?


janeadams said...

Once the applications are in, most seniors slack off academically - as far as they're concerned, high school is over except for the prom. How can parents counteract this tendency so their kids can, in fact, finish strong? Check out Ready to Launch: Parenting Teens Through the College Transition at - an invaluable guide to the parallel developmental transition for both generations!

John said...

Just confidence will help every student survive. Just motivation and enjoy studying round the clock.
Kevin@Online Degrees